Financial Assistance

During these uncertain and stressful times we want to be there and offer our support to members and regulars attenders at Emmanuel Community Church. We do so not just spiritually, but in practical ways where we can, including financially. We are blessed to have a church that is made up of members and others who faithfully tithe and give to the work of ECC. And as a result of this generosity we are able to help others.

Whilst not a bottomless pot, part of our budget is set aside for the needs of the saints and to alleviate areas of local hardship and poverty. In the first instance this is towards the care of our church family (John 13:34; 1 John 3:11; Galatians 6:2), but we will also try to help out our wider community where we can as we believe this is commanded of us by our Lord to love and be the Good Samaritan to others.

If you are a member or regular attender at ECC this could be help towards:

  • Bills of necessity (rent/mortgage, utilities, etc.)
  • Emergency expenses (car/broken boiler etc)
  • One-time-only assistance
  • Groceries
  • Help with necessary items/travel that are work related

If, however, you are a member of the community within the proximity of our church sites, we could possibly help with:

  • Emergency groceries
  • Warm weather clothing
  • Hot meals
  • School clothes

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, and if you are in need it may be worth checking stating the area you need help with.

Payments can be made via bank transfer.
Requests should be made directly to: the church office

Processing requests takes approximately 5-7 business days.

You will be notified concerning your request. If you are not approved and/or need further assistance, we would be glad to provide you with contact information for community resources.

For more information contact Simon (administrator)