I can’t quite believe it, but we’re now three months into our newly-formed (pilot) GROW leadership community. Leadership development is one of the greatest needs any church or movement has. In light of this, we as elders have made this a significant focus for me and for the whole team. As a result of this, I’m so pleased with how our pilot is developing. We have a brilliant group of ‘guinea pigs’ who are diving into the conversations and learning (and, at times!, grappling) together as a leadership community. Since we kicked off the group we’ve covered the following topics:
Area 1: Our Mission, Vision and the multisite methodology.
Area 2: Using Paul Tripp’s book ‘LEAD’, we’ve looked at gospel-shaped achievement, gospel-shaped leadership communities and God-given limits.
Area 3: Tim and Bolaji have both been brave and put themselves forward to write an essay. We’ve looked at ‘how we can know that the Bible is God’s word?’, and, ‘is the Bible inerrant?’.
Please would pray for, Rob & Hannah Rochford, Tim & Jenna Hilditch, Nay Burgess, Andy Senior, Gavin Yeo, Bolaji & Sike Osinuga and Ben & Eva Rochford that together they would learn what it means to be a gospel-shaped community (not just individuals) who can serve the church out of a gospel-rich heart.
Looking ahead (and with no promises!) we hope this group will become a yearly cycle. If that happens I would be very keen to hear from anyone who would like to be considered for a new ‘intake’ (we already have a couple of names for 2025). Send me an email if you would like to be added to the list: adam@emmanuelcc.co.uk.