Babies & Toddlers

Little Seeds

Tuesday 10-11.30 Houldsworth Mill.

For 0-4 year olds. A lovely group with toys, messy play and craft activities followed by an altogether time when we hear a Bible story and have fun singing!

Little Seeds | Facebook

Just Begun

Tuesday 1.30-2.30 Green Lane

For new parents to chat, make friends and enjoy a cuppa. The session ends with a discussion time about babies, life and God.

Green Lane Toddler Group & Just Begun | Facebook

Green Lane Toddlers

Wednesday 10-11.30

For 0-4 year olds. A lovely group with toys and craft activities followed by an altogether time when we hear a Bible story and have fun singing!

Green Lane Toddler Group & Just Begun | Facebook

Just Begun

Wednesday 1.30-2.30, Houldsworth Mill

For new parents to chat, make friends and enjoy a cuppa. The session ends with a discussion time about babies, life and God.

Just Begun | Facebook

Dads and Kids

4th Saturday of the month | Houldsworth Mill 10.30 – 12

1st Saturday of the month | Green Lane 10.30 – 12

Each month on a Saturday morning we hold a ‘Dads and Kids’ session for Dads, Grandads and toddlers. It’s similar to our Toddler Group with lots of toys for toddlers and babies, but includes bacon butties and newspapers for Dads and Grandads too! There’s no waiting list so everyone is welcome to just come along. It takes place at each site during term-time.

For more information about any of these groups, please contact Katie Howson