Our Friday night youth group is a place to connect with friends, hang out and have fun. We have games and silly competitions and spend time learning about God together. So if you’re in year 7+ then come down to our Green Lane Site 7.30-9.00pm on Fridays during term time and bring your friends with you!
Once a month we get together in Stockport town centre with youth groups from all across the town for bigger games, loads of fun and to learn about God together.
While the sermon takes place during our Sunday services we have a seperate youth session most weeks that youth in years 7-9 are invited to join. Teaching is informal and interactive so there’s space for lots of questions and fun!
Our Sunday evening Bible studies are always centered around God’s word and discovering together how that makes a difference to our lives. We worship and pray together and indulge in hot chocolate and donuts too! Youth in years 10+ are invited along to these sessions which are at the Mill from 7pm, twice a month.