The Loop is a regular set of short articles about life and mission here at Emmanuel Community Church.



Here are 10 key points to remember as we become a multisite church: Multisite is a Methodology, Not Our Mission: Our mission is to treasure and proclaim Christ. Multisite is simply a tool to help us accomplish this mission. Multisite is an Invitation Opportunity: With multiple locations and time slots it’s a great chance to invite friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues to join us in worship. Multisite Will Stretch Us: Growth brings challenges but it also brings opportunities to rely on...

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“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.”— 1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV As September arrives, we’re just weeks away from launching our new journey of becoming a multisite church—one church meeting in two locations. I know that after a summer break many of us may have forgotten some of the details that seemed so important before the holiday. This short edition of The Loop is meant to help...

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As it’s almost the summer holidays, I thought I would do something slightly different this month in The Loop. Instead of writing a bunch of articles I thought I would write a summer letter. My suggestion is to grab a brew and head to the garden or a local park where...

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Multisite: Grappling with change

Multisite: Grappling with change

“What if change is central to the story of a loving but mission-focused community?” [Trphena] Were you at the recent church meeting?  [Talia] Which one? [Trphena] You know, the one about the changes. The one where we heard about these new fangled, what were they...

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Summer Interns

Summer Interns

It is a great delight to be able to welcome Amelia Hunt and Ben Cleveland to join us as summer interns (through a summer intern programme organised by the International Mission Board). Both of them live in Athens in Georgia (USA). They also both attend Prince Avenue...

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In Hebrews 12:1-2a it says: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and...

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One Year On

One Year On

On the 13th May 2023, with sweaty palms and a full head, I drove up Green Lane for the first time. Why? I had been invited by the elders here at ECC to come for an all day interview. Later that day, just outside Stockport (heading towards Sheffield) there is a Petrol...

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A ‘normal’ week

A ‘normal’ week

Being called ‘Adam’, and having the privilege of being a Pastor in a local church, regularly opens me up to two slightly tired jokes. The first usually happens when I introduce myself and the other person says “so where’s Eve?”. The second, usually happens on a...

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Update: Pastoral Care

Update: Pastoral Care

Most people will be aware that over this last term, we’ve been holding a number of evening meetings to explore pastoral care in the life of the church. Honestly, it’s been so heartwarming to see the number of people attending and then to read/hear the responses that...

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Update: GROW

Update: GROW

I can’t quite believe it, but we’re now three months into our newly-formed (pilot) GROW leadership community. Leadership development is one of the greatest needs any church or movement has. In light of this, we as elders have made this a significant focus for me and...

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Safeguarding: A Reflection Of Our God

Safeguarding: A Reflection Of Our God

Why is safeguarding important to us as a church? Before reading any further why don’t you take a moment to think about this question. There is a whole array of possible answers that you could give to this question. For example, “well, it’s a legal thing that we need...

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What do we mean by Multisite?

What do we mean by Multisite?

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. Let’s read it together: 14 “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. 15 To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one...

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