Grow 2024

by | Jan 3, 2024

Over the last two months it’s been brilliant to share how several people from Emmanuel Community Church are participating in different forms of training. Well, guess what? This month I have even more news about training! For those of you who were at the recent church AGM you will know that in 2024 I’m going to run a pilot training programme which I’ve inventively called GROW. I’ve now got a full herd of guinea pigs so roll on 2024! 

“What’s the purpose?”, I hear some of you ask. We want to develop a simple but sustainable tool that can create a context where both men and women can grow as leaders across the church. Over the course of the year, they will be (a) spending time getting to know the elders more and grilling them on life, leadership and theology, (b) learning together through Paul Tripp’s wonderful book LEAD about how gospel-shaped character is at the heart of a healthy leadership community and (c) learning together through some basic systematic theology study.  

Please do pray for this new pilot and if you would like to know more about it, then come and chat to me at some point.

A ‘normal’ week

A ‘normal’ week

Being called ‘Adam’, and having the privilege of being a Pastor in a local church, regularly opens me up to two slightly tired jokes. The first usually happens when I introduce myself and the other person says “so where’s Eve?”. The second, usually happens on a...

Update: Pastoral Care

Update: Pastoral Care

Most people will be aware that over this last term, we’ve been holding a number of evening meetings to explore pastoral care in the life of the church. Honestly, it’s been so heartwarming to see the number of people attending and then to read/hear the responses that...

Update: GROW

Update: GROW

I can’t quite believe it, but we’re now three months into our newly-formed (pilot) GROW leadership community. Leadership development is one of the greatest needs any church or movement has. In light of this, we as elders have made this a significant focus for me and...